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Title: Stability Analysis for Gang Model
Authors: A. A. Ahiaba
Ibrahim M. O.
Keywords: Epidemics models, Gangs, Equilibrium points, Stability, Equation
Issue Date: 19-May-2018
Publisher: International Journal of Academic Studies
Series/Report no.: 4;04
Abstract: In this paper, criminal gang membership is treated as an infection that spreads through the host community by social contact. A mathematical model consisting of a system of coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equation is used to describe this spread. The equilibrium points of the model are found and their stabilities are investigated using the Routh Hurwtiz criteria. Moreover, the formula for basic reproductive number is obtained. The model exhibits two equilibra namely the Gang Free Equilibrium (GFE) and the Gang Endemic Equilibrium (GEE). It was found that for Rc <1, it is locally asymptotically stable for (GFE) and for Rc >1 for (GEE).
Description: Article
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1074
ISSN: 2509-193X
Appears in Collections:Research Articles

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