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Title: The built Environment and Travel Mode Choice Behaviour Influence on Children‟s Independent Mobility in Military Barracks of Nigeria.
Authors: MODI, Sule Zango
Keywords: Child-friendly Environment
Travel choice behavior
Military barracks
Independent mobility
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: The Seybold Report
Citation: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/T7RE4
Series/Report no.: 18;03
Abstract: To adequately engage children in an active lifestyle, a reversal of the decline in independent mobility is vital. Integrating a child-friendly environment and active travel behaviour is a pre-requisite to reverse the trend that has received little or no attention in the barracks of Nigeria. it is essential for children's physical, mental, spiritual and social development that contributes to their quality of life. This study appraised the built environment and travel behaviour studies towards enhanced conceptual framework for children’s independent mobility. It reviewed existing literature in interdisciplinary studies over eight decades to identify policy gaps. Besides, the five barrack environment characteristics and six travel behaviour factors predicted with four indicators. The predicted model explained variances that produced an R2 value of 0.35 at 0.00 significant p-values. It is useful for policy formulation of improved independent mobility of children in the barrack, housing estates and compact cities across Africa, especially in Nigeria.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1714
ISSN: 1533 - 9211
Appears in Collections:Research Articles

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