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Title: Design of a New Compressible Metronidazole Powder: Co-precipitation with Ovalbumin
Authors: ALFA, John
Keywords: Ovalbumin
Co-precipitated metronidazole (CPM)
Issue Date: 2001
Publisher: Journal of Phytomedicine and Therapeutics
Series/Report no.: Volume 6;No. 2
Abstract: Metronidazole powder was co-precipitated with egg albumin solution al concentrations of IO to 40 % w/v. The batch treated with 15 % of the ovalbumin was compared with metronidazole granulated with starch. Brittle Fracture Index (BF1), crushing strength, Hausner Factor (H,.) and Carr's Index (I) were used as basis of evaluation. The effect of Avicel PH101, Emcompress and Primojel on the tableting properties of the egg albumin treated metronidazole was also investigated. The aggregation of metronidazole particles improved the fluidity and compressibility of the amoebicidal drug. The high elastic recovery behaviour of plain metronidazole was rendered plastic, having BF1 of 0.4 following treatment with ovalbumin. Avicel PH 101 and Primojel were found to be useful excipients in optimizing the compact strength or disintegration time of co-precipitated metronidazole (CPM) tablets at minimal concentration of 5 % each. Emcompress could also be employed with CPM at 15 % w/v in the presence of a superdisintegrant, such as Primojel. This co-processing technology may well be of economic importance in metronidazole tablet production as minimal excipients and steps are required.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1803
ISSN: 1118-1028
Appears in Collections:Research Articles

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