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Title: Highlights on The Role of Information Technology in ECWA Education
Authors: TANAM, Utunji Isaac
Keywords: Information Technology
ECWA Schools
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: ECWA Headquaters
Abstract: ECWA came into existence as a result of efforts to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the interior of the Sudan region of Africa. As most Africans at the time could neither read nor write, one strategy employed by the missionaries of reaching them was the introduction of some form of training in order to make them able to read the Bible. This strategy, along with mercy ministry, is still being used today to reach parts of Nigeria that is still closed to the gospel. ECWA and other mission agencies are not left out in the use of this strategy, leading to the establishment of schools in almost every DCC of ECWA. The desire for better living through western education and the need to train more preachers led to the rapid spread of these schools.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1967
Appears in Collections:Research Articles

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