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Other Titles: BUJBA
Authors: ANTHONY, Elizabeth Gebiri
AROGE, Peter A
Andow, Helen Prof
Keywords: Remunerations
Bonus and Incentives
Employee attitude
Wages and Salaries
Issue Date: 1-Aug-2019
Citation: VOLUME 1, NUMBER 1
Series/Report no.: volume 1;1
Abstract: Abstract Everyone works for rewards, either in the form of pre-determined salaries, wages or some other benefits or any bonuses for certain performance. Individuals seek for being compensated fairly and are only satisfied if they get the expected rewards resulting for their performance. However, in-spite of efforts aimed at ensuring stable remunerations, employees in Nigeria institutions still suffer from low esteem as evidence in the low status and prestige accorded to them in the society which affects their attitude to work. The study examines the effect of remuneration on employees’ attitude in Bingham university. Descriptive survey design was utilized, while structured questionnaire was used in data collection. The respondents were required to read each question carefully and indicate their agreement or disagreement with the statement using a five – point Likert scale. The Pearson Chi-Square Test Statistic was adopted in analyzing the data and testing of the research hypothesis. Findings from the study revealed that wages and salaries have a significant influence on employees’ attitude at Bingham University It showed that when wages and salaries are paid to employees, their attitude to work improves and as such they are found committed to their work. In addition, the study revealed that bonus and incentives have a positive and significant influence on employees’ attitude to work at Bingham University. Suggestive from the analysis therefore is that there is the need to ensure that salaries are paid on time and even when it could be delayed, the school management could send memos to all departments pacifying the staff to avoid poor attitude to work. Bingham remuneration policies such as bonus and incentives should be aligned with the school vision and mission so as to sustain positive attitude to work from employees. Keywords: Remunerations, Bonus and Incentives, Employee attitude, Wages and Salaries
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2202
ISSN: 2378-54762
Appears in Collections:Research Articles

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