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Title: Cranial Computed Tomographic Findings in Head‑Injured Patients during Communal/ Ethno‑Religious Crises: Jos Experience
Authors: EKEDIGWE, J E
Keywords: Communal/Ethno‑religious crisis
Computed tomography
Head injury
Issue Date: 19-Jun-2015
Publisher: West African Journal of Radiology
Series/Report no.: Volume 22;No 2
Abstract: Background: Communal/ethno‑religious crises have been on the increase in many parts of the world with attendant morbidity and mortality. Assailants often target the head of their victim, intent on causing mortal harm. Computed Tomography is effective in demonstrating soft tissue and bony injuries. Our experience in North Central Nigeria underscores the relevance of documentation of imaging findings on patients who presented following such crises. Objective: To profile the findings on cranial Computed Tomography scan of patients with head injury during communal/ethno‑religious crisis in North Central Nigeria. Materials and Methods: Retrospective and prospective evaluation of cranial Computed Tomography scans conducted on 43 victims of communal/ethno‑religious crisis between January 2010 and March 2012 was carried out in the Computed Tomography suite of the Radiology Department in a tertiary hospital in North Central Nigeria. Results: Of the 43 patients, 37 were male and 6 were female (male: female ratio of 6:1). The ages of the patients ranged from <1 year to 80 years. The mean age of the patients was 36.7 years (±14.7). Abnormal findings were seen in 37 patients (86.1%) while 6 patients (13.9%) had normal scans. The most common Computed Tomography scan findings were intra‑cerebral contusion (51.1%), skull fracture (48.8%), and subdural hematoma (23.2%). Head injury was inflicted mostly with machete cut. Conclusion: Inevitable head trauma during communal/ethno‑religious crisis justifies the use of Computed Tomography scan in investigating the nature of head injury in affected victims as well as provides an invaluable guide for their prompt management.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2204
ISSN: 1115-3474
Appears in Collections:Research Articles

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