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Title: Profertility Effects Of Alcoholic Extract Of Sesame In Male Sprague-Dawley Rats
Authors: MAKANJUOLA, Victor O.
Keywords: sesame
Sprague-Dawley rat
Issue Date: Jan-2007
Publisher: The Internet Journal of Nutrition and Wellness
Series/Report no.: Volume 5;No 2
Abstract: The effects of administration of ethanolic extract of sesame and Vitamin C as adjuvant on the reproductive system of male sprague-Dawley rats were exploited in this work. 20 rats were randomized into four groups (Control, T1, T2, T3) of 5 rats each. One of the group serves as control group while the other 3 groups received a sub-lethal dose of sesame extract (3000mg/kg body weight) once in a day for 8 weeks. One of the treatment groups (T3) also received 2.5mg/kg of Vitamin C for 8 weeks. At the end of the 8 weeks, animals in Control, T1 and T3 were sacrificed while T2 was withdrawn from extract administration for 4 weeks to test for the effect of withdrawal. Sperm counts, Morphology and Motility were quantified and organ and general body weights were measured in a weighing balance. Results of the experiment revealed an increment in the sperm count and sperm percentage motility but a decreased percentage morphology distortion. There were dose-dependent increments in body and organ weight gains, withdrawal notwithstanding. This experiment thus revealed that ethanolic extract of sesame seed possesses potent profertility properties which may be beneficial to those who consume it.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2327
ISSN: 1937-8297
Appears in Collections:Research Articles

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