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Title: A Comparison of Leadership Competencies among Doctors Practicing in Public and PrivateHospitals in Jos Metropolis of Plateau State, Nigeria
Authors: Yakubu, Kenneth
Dankyau, Musa
Lodenyo, Maxwell
Keywords: Doctor–manager, health leadership competence, private hospitals, public hospitals, Méédecin-gestionnaire,compéétence de leadership en santéé, hôôpitaux privéés, hôôpitaux public
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Annals of African Medicine Society
Citation: Yakubu K, Dankyau M, Lodenyo M. A comparison of leadership competencies among doctors practicing in public and private hospitals in Jos metropolis of Plateau State, Nigeria, Ann Afr Med 2019;18:23-9
Abstract: Abstract Aim: This study aimed at assessing and comparing perceived leadership competencies of doctors occupying managerialpositions in a public and various private hospitals in Jos metropolis of Plateau state, Nigeria. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional, comparative multicenter study. It involved self-assessment by 27 doctors occupying man‐ agerial positions in public and private hospitals within Jos metropolis and peer-assessments by 89 health and non‐ health professionals who worked with the doctor–managers at the time of the study. The National Center forHealthcare Leadership competency model was used as the assessment tool. Results: We found that perceived leadership competencies were low for all doctor–managers irrespective of their hospital af‐ filiation. Distributions of these competencies varied with the private sector showing superiority for certaincompetencies. Conclusion: Perceived leadership competencies were low for the doctor–managers assessed. This calls for an innovative approachto the training and practice of health management in Jos Metropolis.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2349
Appears in Collections:Research Articles

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