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Title: An exploratory analysis of “libel” in Nigeria mass media and the democratic world
Authors: OKUJENI, Richard
NYITSE, Gabriel T.
Keywords: Libel
Nigeria Mass Media
Issue Date: Apr-2024
Publisher: Journal of Communication and Media Research
Series/Report no.: Volume 16;No. 1
Abstract: This exploratory analysis may be likened to an archaeological spadework aimed at uncovering the atomic root of the term — libel! It shows that only communication or a communication situation offers this journalism bogey a fertile base for existence. The study used extant literatures and authorities to explain what libel literally and legally defines, incorporating perspectives and practices in Nigeria and other legal jurisdictions across the democratic world. Defences and illustrative cases marshal alibi and defences available to a defendant-communicator caught in the web of defamatory litigation, each defence strewn with educative past libel cases involving well-known journalists and non-journalist communicators. The study finds that libel is an impedance which robs humanity of the useful knowledge of criminality tearing at society when journalists have to resort to sealed lips and frozen pens as a result of lack of proof; also that the world is ahead of Nigeria in demanding that it be expunged from the books. Conclusion unavoidably argues that this impedance to globally proclaimed freedom of speech, expression and of the press is a cover under which wrong doers shield their nefarious activities from the scrutinous eyes of society and negates the “public’s right to know”.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2678
ISSN: 2141-2545 (Print)
2578-9299 (Online)
Appears in Collections:Research Articles

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