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Authors: Fidelis, O. E.
Keywords: Human Rights, Africa, Global Community, security, Development
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: A Publication of the Association for the Promotion of African Studies
Citation: Fidelis 2023
Series/Report no.: Vol. 4;No. 4
Abstract: Respect for human life is the first and end of every human endeavour. Fundamental human rights constitute the hallmark, cornerstone and yardstick to measure Humanness. The progress, development and civilization of every region, continent or global community rested on observations, respect for human rights, dignity and personality. Africa with all its richness in natural resources, human resources and minerals resources is the least developed and underdeveloped continent in the world. All these are predicated on lack or deliberate, active, conscious and fully aggressive infringements on the fundamental rights of its people. There is an internally motivated wide and chronic violations of rights across Africa and this explains why Africans are scattered around the globe seeking greener pastures in terms of security, job opportunities, and decent living. The harsh treatment administered to the Africans makes them become somehow a threat to the global community in the sense that most Africans have fashioned different tactics of escaping poverty, insecurity, hunger, inhuman treatment and other state-sponsored terrorism to other parts of the world through illegal means. To discuss this precarious situation, Ubuntu philosophy was rethought therefore, the global community through the United Nations and its partners ought to ensure that human rights are respected, observed and upheld in every part of Africa this is the only way the world and Africa in particular can be at peace. We adopted the analytical method in carrying out our research.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2706
ISSN: 26814-0788
Appears in Collections:Research Articles

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