In this study, we investigated how solvent annealing affected the material properties of perovskite films derived from precursors of dehydrated Pb-acetate. The perovskite active layer was produced by depositing the perovskite solution using a one-step spin-coating method, followed by either 5 minutes of solvent annealing in DMF or IPA vapour or 5 minutes of thermal annealing on a hotplate at a temperature of 90 °C. Thermal annealing (TA), annealing in DMF vapour, and annealing in IPA vapour were used to form the perovskite active layers. The perovskite films made from IPA vapou show the best material properties, and the perovskite films obtained from the thermal annealing process have the poorest material properties. Our research showed that perovskite films produced using solvent engineering methods have better film properties.