Total qualify management (TQM) is a management philosoph.-.
which focuses on the work process and people with the ma cr
concern ioi satisfying customers and improving the oraanizai; "r.a!
performance. II involves the proper coordination of work processes
which allows foi continuous improvement in all business unr.s with
the aim of meeting or surpassing customer's expectations It
emphasizes on totality of quality in all facets of an organisation with
the aim of reducing waste and rework to reduce cos: and increase
efficiency in production TQM is applicable to any organisation
irrespective of size motives even the public sector organisation x'e
fast adopting the ideology in order to make them effective m meeur-g
public, demands. Il adopts the participative approach which is aim a:
improving the competitiveness, effectiveness and fiexib.Er. cf ere
entire organisation 1 he central concept of TQM has to de w<± the
achievement of quality standard in products and services T>:s
achievement is possible through effective communicator. azu'.cred
on modern communication technology otherwise knew- as
information technology It is designed io improve the gere^.
functioning and process of an organisation Erred.vs
communication is logical, rational and persuasive and:: ts espec.x/.
useful in industrial relation, organisational charge ar.d n?:a.xa~:n.
I here is a strong relationship between good commurcaiar. arc
successful quality implementation Although comma."..cat.or. r.as
always been key requirement of good management, i'. is ever jrc"e
important in the implementation of total quahry manager. er.:
depends on communication that flows in the direction _r
external customers have to know suppliers what Lhey r.eec S'-pp .cs
have to know their customers w hat they can realistically prov ice.