Nigeria is a country that is endowed with rich humane . ,
the poor countries in the world. These resour^^^
indigent citizens. Elections are conducted in every demnr USed adequately to carter for the
accountable to the electorate who by the virtue of their nt 9J°
socio! contract with those elected who by * samea" . *° °
f ... y rtue °f same are expected to safeguard the socio-
econom.c nghts of the at.zenry and to bring about deveiopment vide good governance. The tow
wh.ch serves as a tool m promotmg socio-economic development in the country cannot be said to
have fared better hence the need to examine (he role of the law in ensuring good governance and
promotmg soao-econom.c developmental rights of the citizens of Nigeria. The paper seeks to situate
the role of the law in ensuring gbod governance and socio-economic development in Nigeria and to
ascertain whether these laws actually enhance the socio-economic rights and responsibilities of
Nigerians and to proffer possible solutions to the challenges identified.