Abstract:
he
objecti
v
e
of
this
stud
y
w
as
to
assess
f
or
anxiety
and
depr
ession
in
car
egi
v
ers
of
or
thopedic
patients
and
associated
f
actors.
Method
:
One
hundr
ed
and
tw
enty
six
car
egi
v
ers
of
or
thopedic
patients
w
er
e
enr
olled
in
our
stud
y
.
Symptoms
of
anxiety
and
depr
ession
in
car
egi
v
ers
w
er
e
assessed
with
the
Hospital
anxiety
depr
ession
scale
Data
obtained
w
er
e
anal
yz
ed
using
Statistical
ackag
e
f
or
Social
Sciences
Windo
ws
v
ersion
16.
All
statistical
tests
w
er
e
car
r
ied
out
at
a
5%
le
v
el
of
pr
obability
.
Results:
Of
the
car
egi
v
ers,
(25.4%)
had
anxiety
symptoms
scor
es