Most African ethnic groups treat women as property to their husbands and could be inherited but without
inheritance rights at all or with unequal rights tilted in favour of males' especially in rural areas . This
inquiry sought the impediments to the realisation of the customary inheritance rights ofAfrican women and
children and how to overcome them. Review of articles in journals, internet based materials consisting of
reports of interviews of victims of inhuman customary practices, books, statutes and case law from some
African countries was the analytical approach employed in this inquiry. Latest legislative and judicial
attitudes were found to be intolerant of these practices but ignorance, poverty, etc. of victims is the setback.
Sanctions on erring states members could secure compliance with charters/protocols that guarantee these
.rights: states and Human right groups ’ interventions could provide the enlightenment andfinancial support
needed by rural dwellers to assert their rights.