Despite the huge resources committed to eradicating malaria globally, malaria remains endemic in Africa. Chronic
malaria infection may be life-threatening in children due to increased susceptibility to anemia. This study was aimed
at determining the prevalence of anemia among malaria-infected children and its possible association with socio-
demographic attributes in children. This study is a cross-sectional study involving 225 children under 10 years
attending Doka rural hospital. Giemsa-stained thick blood films were examined microscopically. Hematocrit levels
were determined using standard methods. Results were analyzed using chi-square statistics to determine the
association between malaria infection and anaemia. A total of 204 children representing 80% of the study participants
were positive for malaria. The use of insecticide-treated net was low (7%) and did not significantly reduce the risk
of infection and anemia. The general prevalence of anemia was 59.2%. There was a significantly higher prevalence
of anemia among malaria-positive children (p<0.000). Malaria presents a strong factor for developing anemia
(OR=15.09; 95% CI=6.43, 35.38; P<0.0001). There was no association between malaria parasitemia and gender or
season of the year. The prevalence of malaria in Doka is quite high and is strongly associated with anemia.
Surprisingly, the use of insecticide-treated nets did not reduce malaria infection. Hence, there is a need for effective
malaria prevention schemes which may include education and the inclusion of routine anemia programs when
evaluating children for malaria infection.